(on and on and on and on..... (the beat goes on) )
BLOGGER BABY?! What happened? What happened between us? Has anyone ever had any problems with blogger? I know that Ems always talks about her problems with Wordpress, but blogger seems to always be fine for me! I mean sure, it takes me waay too long to organize my pictures once I've written my post, and often it won't save (or says it cannot autosave), but it usually pulls thru!!! That is... until now. Shapoops!
So I wanted to let y'all know, I am SERIOUS about this, I need something fast and efficient to get my stories and pictures up for all of you to see! I want to move on with my blog and have SO much to tell you all! Ew, I really don't like feeling so behind (on ANYTHING) and I know blogging should be relaxing, fun, and light-hearted/easy going, but I'm totally upset about this and frustrated (as I'm sure YOU ALL ARE WITH ME ALL THE DAMN TIME!)
(PS) What is this Window's Live Writer business I'm hearing so much about these days? Can us Mac-users (UNITE! rawr!) participate too???
Y'all know I love you. Goodness, I can't believe you still read "this"... But I'm so thankful that you do, because honestly and truly, I adore having it and sharing it with you and I adore reading your blogs (like wohh)