HAPPY HUMPDAY EVERYONE!! The comments y'all left on my last post... I, mean, Shucks, they just about made me the happiest blogger of all time! I can't say enough amazing things about you all! I mean, it's no surprise that I have the hottest readers EVA, but you guys surriously make my day, each and everyday! Gosh, I'm such a SAPSTER! (Pull yourself together, ol' girl!) hehehe
So yes, this post is going to be ALL ABOUT my OBSESSION--- Yes, I recognize the problem... No, I am not getting help for it... No, I do not want the help... Yes, you definitely have it too... Yes, it's a cult... YES, WE ARE....
Now, I know I've pointed out some serious Produce Porn in the past, but I was DETERMINED to make each and every one of you FINE FELINES go C-C-C-Raaazy with this one! So... Without Further Ado, I ask you to get yo booties in that seat, get thee a cocktail nice and refreshing class of H2O, or a lovely hot HUGMUG (you have one, riiigghhhtttt???) of tea, and Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Riiiide! (And HOLD ONTO YOUR PANTS, VEGGIEGIRL!)
A Santa Melon (aka Grinch/Dr.Seuss Melon!!)


Citrusy and Flavorless!

Always eat your Papaya CHILLED!! It makes the world of a difference!
OKAY... Prepare for drool... (PS) Many of these are from spring/summer!
From up-top!
Strawberries (Organic) sale = A party!! Here with Napa Cab, Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes, Bell Pepps, HUGE Brussels, Shitakis, and some gorgeous Golden Beets!
Yellow Tomatoes for Gazpacho! (No worries, I peel them first!)
Leeks! So divine with Asparagus!
(PS) How Amazing are the BIG, FAT Asparagus right now!? I am so NOT a fan of the twigs (Any1 else?) ... Rachel Rae is--- What does SHE know?! j/k I just MICRO-STEAM the BIG MAMAS for 2 minutes and they are SO sweet and PERF!
I love me some BERRIES!
Do y'all like Snapizzles?
Were the Blueberries not SPECTACULAR this Summer?!
LIKE BUTTA (Hey, Erinhomegirlmamacitawhatup.)
Oh, hey Buddha <3 (NAMASTE HOMES.)
It kinda looked like a Honeydew from the outside???
It tasted like a Citrusy Honeydew! Talk about Identity Issues... (I wonder what the sex/gender is...)
Regardless, it was refreshing and wonderful!
Like my Bandaid?
I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN AWAY FOR SO LONG! Thanks for your patience! It feels good to be backsters, but it also felt good to just read YOUR blogs! My GOOGLEREADER is overflowing with juicy-blogging-goodness! I LOVE COMING HOME FROM SCHOOL/WORK/GYM/CRAZIES AND SEEING MY READER SO ABUNDANT WITH POSTS!
My next post will feature product reviews and some AWARDS!!! I didn't forget about them and was TRULY TOUCHED... But more on that next time! (And don't worry, it wont be next month...)
(OH and BY THE WAY, I'm loooving all the Facebookings! Keep em comin!)
umm, yess, *wipes drool off face* i love summer produce... but i love fall too... so torn!! i guess theres always next year for fantastic melons ;-)
so great to see you blogging again! i had wondered where you went off to! all this produce looks incredible - wow! and so colourful too :D
WHOA!! all that looks amazing and I am so happy that you are back to blogging! :)
THANKS GIRLS! YES YES YES! I LOVE FALL PRODUCE too! Shall I do some photographing of the next produce shop?
OH.... MY..... GOODNESS...... GRACIOUS...... there is SO much food porn/produce porn in this post, it's orgasmic. Seriously. Julz, I'm shrieking with delight over here!!! :-D
My goodness - what bounty!
My local farmers market is WAY too small - I only go there for cheese!
Thanks for your response to my post - I didn't see that episode of Giada - and here I thought I was being original with the red and green combo!
Oh well - they are tasty!
yay for blogging again!!!
and seroiusly, can i come to your house and pay you to cook me up food with your bounty of produce!!!
love ya babe!
WHOA--that papaya looks DIVINE!!! LOVE IT!! I swallow the seeds whole; helps clean you out lol!! :D
Fall I SUPREMELY magnificent, dearie!!
~Erin @ "Vegan & the City"
Um BEAUTIFUL post!! I'm sooo jealous of all that glorious produce, YUM!! You rock girl, can't wait for your next post!! :)
JULZ IS BAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKK!!!!!! This makes my day so much better! Take that cloudy skies! Nothin' you can do to make me gloomy now that Julz is BACK! :o)
Produce IS a girl's best friend - and you must have such an in with the produce crowd because so many of them were willing to POSE FOR YOUR PICTURES! What's your secret??
Here is how you enlightened me (with produce I had never heard of):
-Santa melon (Grinchy!)
-Citrusy Honeydew
-More yellow watermelon (I think I remember you talking about it once before and I was amazed)!!
Plus, I am so with you on the big asparagus - so much better than those twigs!!
I'm soo thrilled you're back!!
This is TOTAL produce porn! WOW that is awesome. Glad you're back :)
Now I want fresh veggies. Right now. Okay, I have to go find something to munch on.
VG: I knew you'd be taken back :) You and I, loverbunny, SUCH produce FREAKS <333 Reppin.
Biz: I'm voting for you to win... I thought yours were SO fabulous n hers didn't look as pretty and had tons of CRUD in 'em too :)
Melis: YESSS! COME OVER! MY MOM WOULD ADORE YOU =] And we can cook alll day and pamper! :) *Sigh... I want to meet you Soul Sista <3
Erin: HOORAY! I didn't know you knew my blog! Wowweee :) And are Papayas not unreal? When I lived in Hawaii we had Papaya, Mango, and Banana trees! There are NO WORDS... Pure heaven and bliss <3
Jennyboo: You da bomb! Thank you for such sweet words!
JENN: HOW ARE YOU SISTER?! And there was A LOT of drama goin down on this set... Thank GOODNESS the Mangos and Ranier Cherries weren't on the set today... Aye aye aye! ;) (How much do we miss our Ranier Cherries???!!! I'm going to do a little post for them soon!) FAT ASPARAGUS (ASPARAGI? BAHA... Lame.) LOVERS UNITE!
You are HILARIOUS, GORGEOUS! I love me so produce porn.. oh yah oh yah
WOW - look at all that yummy produce!!!! julz, you are seriously making me miss summer really bad now, since a lot of my fave fruits are suddenly not available :)
da-hammmmmmmn gurrrrrl! that's some deliciousness right thurr, not gunna lie.
I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK. "Namaste"...hilariousss
We missed you, but luckily I had your lovely face coming to visit me on GC....otherwise I may have been crying myself to sleep.
Your posts brighten up our life...and I know you know that. LOVE YOU, LOVE SIMPLE AND DIVINE!!
Cute nails too. :)
Take care lovely lady! Show us how you eat some of that produce!! Eggplant and some of the greens are what I'm curious about....always looking for new ways to dress up them veggies!!!
HOLY COW! I can't believe how many veggies you got! I saw those Santa melons the other day and thought they looked neat - but was too nervous to buy it!
I can't flippin believe the size of those brussel sprouts - CRAZY! :D
and delicious looking!
I've had warm papaya - and I was SO grossed out by it (in my head all papaya is gross now) - so I found that really interesting that you said eating it cold makes all the difference. Looks like I need to give it another shot! :)
PS - Love your nails! :)
i just left a long comment but it somehow didn't post! sad. Moral of the story was: I LOVE FRUITS AND VEGGIES!!!
awesome pictures, I definitely drooled all over myself ; )
thanks love!
the pics are AMAZING!
your nails are perfect, too :D
i'm starving now......
so good to see you back!!!
Holy produce, batman! It all looks so fresh and tasty.
Glad you are back at blogging!
Holy crap, you finally posted! I was wondering when the heck you were coming back on the blog! Yay! All that stuff looks uh-mazzzzing, girllll!
Hehehe you remind me of ME when I go grocery shopping <3 oh oh oh I heart you!!! hahaha and I wanna try that SANTA MELON!!! sounds yumms!!! OH MAN I'm sooo excited that the wkend is coming which means timeeee to shoppp for groceries!!! yum yum yum!!! hahaha... :] We'd clean out a farmer's market together!!!
You certainly have come roaring back into blogland! What a fantastic post of gorgeous produce.
Holy smokes that's a lot of produce, I don' think I could eat it all before it went bad! But I would sure try! Seriously, can you come up to WI and go grocery store hopping?
Welcome back to blogging!
You are so COLORFUL today! Seriously, though, this has to be the prettiest post ever!
Thanks for your support in the last month...I really appreciate it more than you know! I can always recognize your posts or emails before I even see who they are from because they pump me up so much! I am doing great and am absolutely ready to kick booty! Thanks again, friend.
Julz, I just have to say how HAPPY I am to see you back. I was so worried you abandoned your blog for good. And, as a fellow produce LOVER, I am totally enthralled by your post. Pure produce heaven!
Can't wait for your next post!
Jaime :)
HEY HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your comments on my blog!!!!! You such a nice person!!! =)))
Ohh...I don't have a Facebook yet but I'll create it !! :D I'll let you know ok???
I'm SOOOOO JAELOUS for the BERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)) I cannot get them anymore now.. =_(
IT's AMAZZZZING...all the pictures!!!!! Pure BEAUTY!!! =DD
Oh...hope to "see" your comments on my new post ...:) I'll appreciate it SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=DD Take care !!! Enjoy your time!!
Haha- produce porn :)
That all looks AMAZING! Now, what are you going to make with it?? Mmmm, veggies...
OMG I want some fruit SOOOO BADLY right now!!! Those pics are such a tease...sadly its getting into winter and the produce just isn't the same.
It is SO good to see you posting again! Your posts are always much too much fun.
And I don't think I have ever seen such a wonderful abundance of crazy delicious fruits and veggies. Nor have I ever craved them as badly as your post has made me crave them right now!!
Well, I totally missed that you were back. I guess I never added you to my google reader. Well, I have now, so all is well.
You have some beautiful photos here.
Oh and namaste back!
That looks fantastic. Really. I'm hungry now. And I'm so glad you're blogging again!
Thanks so much on the info for the pumpkin/apple butters :-D
All that produce looks AMAZING!!!!
Woah check out all that beautiful produce. I love the tiny pale green baby leaf inner core of lettuce!
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