This is the email that I sent out to family and friends, professors and colleagues, etc regarding my trip to Haiti. It explains all of the details of the trip, etc. I apologize if this seems rude or inappropriate, but I would IMMENSELY appreciate your help. I am not asking you to donate money, but more so asking if you would put a link on your blog or website. We need all of the help we can get, and this letter explains the donation + sponsorship procedure. All donations done through our automated VENMO system will be 100% tax deductible and secure.
Thanks for your support and time,
Dear Family and Friends,
I am writing to let you know that I will be traveling to Haiti with
The R.E.L.I.E.F. Foundation, an emergency and disaster response group
( over President's Day weekend.
The group was founded in 2005 by University of Miami professors and
students in order to offer humanitarian aid to the victims of
Hurricane Katrina. In response to January's catastrophic earthquake
in Haiti, this same humanitarian group, as well as some new members of
the organization, will be traveling to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The
group has partnered with several non-profit organizations including
Project H.O.M.E., Operation Clean the World, and The Red Cross to
construct an orphanage to support the rising number of homeless
Haitian children. The group is scheduled to leave Miami
International Airport on Friday, February 19 and return on Monday,
February 22, 2010.
Our goal is to construct a tented facility that will serve as a step
down unit for children that have been treated at the hospital and are
ready to be released, however do not have family or loved ones to be
discharged to. Until now, they have been kept in a makeshift hospital
by the airport. The facility that we will establish will become a
center outside of the hospital for the children to safely recover,
sleep, live, and play.
The group traveling to Haiti is comprised of 120 volunteers. They
include translators, physicians, nurses, teachers, politicians,
religious leaders, a security team, and even a college-senior-drawing-and-theatre major
(:-]). In response to an overwhelming outcry for humanitarian aid, all
involved have been asked to raise money and collect supplies to bring
on our relief trip. We have been asked to bring medical supplies,
water, tents, and other aid to help support orphans who currently have
no place to call home.
Our group would be extremely grateful for any sponsorship you could
provide. Please consider supporting us through a donation or
supplies. Instructions on how to donate as well as a list of supplies
we have been asked to collect are mentioned below. The trip will be
leaving from Miami International, so please let me know if you would
like to donate supplies so I can assure that I have the capacity to
transport them to Miami.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or
concerns. Thank you in advance for your support.
Best Regards,
Julia Wise
625 Harpers Lane
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
fax: 215 938 4289
To make a donation:
Write a check to Project Home and note "In support of Haiti and the
Relief Foundation". If you give it to me, I will ensure that it gets
to our organization.
· Consider texting your donation through a secure VENMO transaction
· A) Text "Pay relief $XX for Haiti from (insert your name here)
in support of Julia Wise" to VENMO (646.863.9557).
· B) The Donor will then get a phone call from VENMO's automated
system asking for credit card information in order to complete the
· C) After the payment goes through, prompts will be sent to
complete registration.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email, and for your support.
Love and Light,
Julia Wise
Thursday, February 11, 2010
GOING TO HAITI: FEB 19th... Would be honored to have your support on my journey
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
1 Year Later: I write to YOU, my bestest friend.
Dearest Angel of Mine,
So here we are. I feel like saying "I miss you" has become part of my everyday conversation with you...I feel like it doesn't even do justice to how I feel anymore. I beyond miss you. I long for your voice, your laugh, your smile, your "Julzies!", Your "Billi's Chilly Trilli" Ugh, your everything baby. I miss you so. I love you more than anything, and I PROMISE YOU: I will continue fighting MY own battles, continue pushing forward in my life, because you didn't get the chance to. I PROMISE YOU: Everyday I am fighting for you, reaching for you, living FOR YOU. I will continue to, everyday for the rest of my life, My Sister. I lost a best friend, but I gained an angel, I store a little bit of heaven everywhere I go. I will remember you in the brisk morning breeze, in the warmth of the sunrise, in the rush of the now, and in the hope seen in the eyes of my first born daughter, who will take on your name, with my honor, my pride, and my longing. So until we meet again in person, my BESTEST FRIEND, we will continue to meet up and hug only in my dreams, and I will continue to droop my head in sadness, as the tears stream down my face, and as I must say goodbye, once again. I.LOVE.YOU.SO.MUCH.JILLIAN SIEGEL...More than words could ever express. Love love love you. Forever Your Trillion. And you, My Billion. I got you Jilli. Always have. Always will. And you will always have me. Rest In Peace my love,
Typing this as you rested your head on your pillow, one year ago, tonight. Here's to you baby. I bow. I pray. I love.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sometimes when I'm Bored I play with Makeup... AVATAR inspired =]
Monday, October 19, 2009
A moment.
Hi guys-
Friday, October 16, 2009
Get ready BBs! I'm gonna start doin a series of Halloween tutorials for all of y'all! halloween is my favorite time of year for makeup! Oh the possibilities! Tomorrow's look...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
For ErinBooBoo <3
Quick and Simple Tutorial Time!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Good Day, Madame! How may I assist you? Oh, waste 22 more minutes of your time? It would be an honor :D

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hey Pookies!

Monday, September 28, 2009
Vloggy # Dos
Y'all this is so effing long, like 33 minutes plus, so break up the time . Or just skip through it all. I was seeing how and what it would be like to do a makeup tutorial of my everyday shiz, but clearly I need to work on my skillz. Wowee. [It would help, too, to not chase the dog for 15 minutes...)

Shut your front door.
Seriously! It is kind of nice to come back and see that I still have ppl who didn't delete me from their google readers! Yay! Haha, I think I got a lil cocky thinking that I would get some hater comments. You gotta be a BIG. HUGE. [GIRTH.] of a deal to get those types of comments. Phew! That was a close one y'all. ;)