Thursday, March 20, 2008

FIRE I am only JUST getting home now from class! Crazy, huh!?  Anyways, my food was quite boring today (super unfortunate...I love exciting foods that make my tastebuds happs) and I still don't have my camera charger, but I PROMISE tomorrow I am going to buy a new one!

 But really quickly I wanted to tell EVERYONE about my FAVORITE movie of all time!!! This seems so random but every thursday night is my 400 level 3hour lecture on Asian Cinema.  My professor for this class is nationally known and is amazing.  He's in Paris right now giving lectures at a university there (how cool is that?!) but he'll be back next thursday evening!  

Anyway, earlier in the semester we watched my favorite film, which I was super excited to see on a movie screen again!  It's part of a trilogy by Deepa Mehta called, Fire, Earth, and Water and my favorite of the three is Fire.  As I previously mentioned, my mom lived in India and Nepal during college and I don't know if this is coincidental or not, but for my entire life I have felt a deep connection to the Indian culture.  We have hundreds and I mean hundreds of Buddhas throughout our house from all over the world and in all shapes and sizes.  Our standard poodle puppy's name is Buddha.  I am deeply moved by all things associated with Buddhism and India and have always been, though I am not a Buddhist (at least I don't think so?!)...It's kind of strange.  Haha, ANYWAYS, this film is beyond incredible.  I don't want to give ANY of it away, but I'll just say that when it was initially released the Indian public became enraged with anger.  It's easily the most controversial Indian film ever made.  WARNING: THIS IS NOT A "BOLLYWOOD" FILM.  It's very serious, but incredibly delicate and incredibly beautiful.  When it was released there were riots, bomb threats against Deepa Mehta and her casts and even suicide threats.  They had to change location for shooting several times.  PLEASE take my word for it and see it! Don't youtube it.  You need to get your tush to Hollywood Video or order it from Netflix or whatever you do to rent movies.   See it on a television and cancel out all forms of distraction, it's that good! SO DO IT! 

Hopefully this post wasn't annoying, lol!  But please don't disregard it! I promise you will be deeply moved by the risks taken to make this film, and the dedication to the women of the Indian culture that is so tenderly defined by the makers/cast members in the film, as well!


ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Your blog looks so fun-- I'm glad you found mine, because it led me to yours! Can I add you to my blogroll?

Oh and I am super-jealous about Cancun; your photos look amazing, especially the sunset photos.

Simple and Divine said...

Confession: I've LOVED and followed your blog since the beginning :) I'd be so honored to be added to the Chocolatecoveredvegan's blogroll! :) Thanks so much! You've inspired me a lot! And if you have tips/pointers to help me/make my blog better I'd love to hear! I'm always open :)

Thanks again!